The Acoustic Guitar Project in Honolulu

The Acoustic Guitar Project has finally made its way to Honolulu! What is TAGP? The short answer is… One week… One song… Five Artists.

Five Musicians are selected each year to represent their city by writing an original song in only one week using their local TAGP guitar. They sign the guitar, and pass it on!

This year, the featured artists will be….
Thunderstorm Artis
Dylan O’Clairey
John Valentine
Ron Bronstein
Keilana Mokulehua

Join us for an evening of inspiration as you feast your ears upon the diversity of sounds, rhythms, and emotions evoked by the sharing of this guitar. This event is ticketed and a portion of the proceeds will be going to TAGP to continue funding in Honolulu. As TAGP grows in Honolulu, we will be expanding our musical outreach in a myriad of ways with a focus on making music accessible and fun for keiki and youth in our community. If you know of a group or organization that would benefit from music performances/songwriting workshops, please share that information to Catherine Ritter (, TAGP curator for Honolulu.

Lots of Aloha and see you there!