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Regarded as one of the greatest DJs ever to touch a turntable, the Ram Records founder has relentlessly dedicated almost two decades of his life to the music he loves, flying across the globe week in, week out, to demonstrate a mastery of craft that has earnt him a status as one of the most iconic and important figures in global dance music culture.

Much more than just a DJ, Andy C is a true figurehead for the drum & bass movement, within which he has been an instrumental player since its very beginnings; his DJ sets and own seminal productions helping to evolve the genre through the many stages of its evolution. Andy’s dedication to dance music is only matched by his list of achievements, and his is a journey that has taken him from sneaking into raves in barns as a 13 year old, to the glamorous terraces of Space in Ibiza and being invited to speak at Oxford University.

Growing up in Hornchurch, Essex, the young Andrew Clarke got his first taste of the rave culture that was sweeping the UK in the late-1980s from his older sister, Sarah. At just 12 years of age, Andy would obsessively educate himself by listening to her rave tapes and local pirate radio, eagerly absorbing the sounds of the nascent rave scene and desperate to become involved in its rapidly emerging culture.



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July 25, 2014
10:00 pm - 2:00 am
Event Category:


43 N Hotel St
Honolulu, HI 96817 United States
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Pacific Jungle
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